Sunday 14 June 2015

Be Confident

   Fifth step, be confident.
   There's many way you can do this. For example, knowing your way around the school instead of looking like a lost puppy. Draw yourself a map of the school outlining where your classes, your locker, and even where you sit at lunch are, this way you can avoid getting lost.
   Next, look your best. Shower everyday and wear deodorant. No body wants to be smelly, especially when trying to make a good first impression. Wear clean clothes and find your own sense of style. Wear what you want, and what makes you feel good. You don't have to wear what the 'cool' kids are wearing, be original. But don't go to crazy, remember, you're at school to learn, not to model. Make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle free, just showing that you put time into your appearance will make a difference,
Finally, make sure you have a positive attitude. Having a good attitude will keep your spirit up even when everything around you seems to be falling apart. Stay calm and relaxed even if it feels like nothing is going right. It can be easy sometimes to lose yourself in the mess and craziness. but keeping a positive outlook will ensure that doesn't happen. Smile. Smiling will make you look more confident and can bring changes in other peoples moods and attitudes. It will also make you resemble a friendly, happy, fun. warm person. And people like those.
   Being confident in yourself is not an easy thing, I know that first hand from myself, and my friends. But be sure you encourage yourself daily, look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself you look good, tell yourself that you're a good person and that the day will go well. And I guarantee you, it will work.
                                                                 Love yourself, and others will love you too, Montana.  

Ps. Check out this blog for tips on how to be more self confident!

Stay Active

On to step 4 already. Stay active. Whether it be a school club, a sports team, a part time job, or just being healthy, you'll be glad you did it!
   Try to attend school pep rallies, sports games, school plays, dances, and even talent shows. Attending these things will help you enjoy your time at school instead of dreading it. despite popular belief, school can be fun sometimes!
   Having a part time job while going to school can be tricky, but if you balance your time correctly, it can be worth it. Remember, having a job early on will look good on a resume down the road, and you will be able to add work experience on to your college applications in the future which will definitely look good!
  Joining school clubs will help you meet new people with the same interests as you as well as let you have a little bit of fun. High school is your time to figure out what you want to pursue in college, as well as later on in life, so be receptive to anything that comes your way. Club involvement, once again, will make you look good on your college applications. They are looking for someone that was very active in school, so joining clubs is always a good idea!
   Be healthy. It may be hard, being a high school student and all, but try to eat a little healthy and stay active. Either by joining a sports team, or going for a run every few days. Be sure to drink lots and lots of water. Staying active and healthy will make you feel better during the day, which will show in your appearance and school performance.
                                                                      Until next time, Montana.

Get Organized

   Okay, lets review. In order to get through high school you need to develop the right relationships, and be a good student. So what's next? Staying organized.
   So there's a few steps to this one as well. First off, I recommend getting a day planner. This is good for keeping track of what you're studying, important exam dates, and time set aside for homework each day. Don't forget to mark in time for fun though! We don't want you to be a stick in the mud!
   Next, make sure you keep your binders organized. You don't want to be late for class because you couldn't find your textbook. You should have a separate binder for each class, and have them clearly marked so you remember which is which. Do not stick with the 'everything' binder where you keep random assignments from every class in one binder. This will make you extremely unorganized, and when it comes time to study for exams, you won't be able to find anything!
   Also make sure you keep your locker organized. This will be your home away from home. Make sure you keep all your binders and textbooks together. Little tip on the side here, investing in little baskets or cups to keep things such as pens and pencils, tissues, band aids, Advil, and even a spare pair of clothes will be a life saver along the way.
   Finally, have a plan for college. Yes, it may seem a bit extreme to begin planning for college in your first year of high school, but the earlier you start planning, the more likely it will be for you to attend the college or university of your dreams. Maintain high academic standards throughout high school. Don't slack off during your first year because you think you'll have lots of time. Every year counts in the end, and you'll be finished before you know it.
   Stay organized, you'll be glad you did in the end!
                                                                                      Yours truly, Montana.

Hey, also check out for tips on staying organized.

Be A Good Student

   Alright, so we know that the first step to surviving high school is to develop the right relationships. But the next step is being a good student. There's a few steps to this one.
   First, be sure to do your homework. Set out a specific amount of time each day specifically for homework. Doing this is important because it will not only keep you from failing your classes, but it will ensure you know all the material that will be on your tests or exams, which also count for a lot of your marks. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. This was a big problem for me in high school, and I can assure you, it only causes more problems. Also, use downtime like bus rides or when your eating breakfast to catch up on assigned reading, this works wonders. If you ever happen to be sick and have to miss a day of classes, be sure to ask a close friend to pick it up for you. Missing class does not mean the work doesn't apply to you, you will always still have to do it, just on your own time instead of in class.
   Second, STUDY! Like I said, tests and quizzes will make up a large part of your mark. So studying for them is key. Be attentive during class, the more you understand the material, the easier it will be to study. Take detailed notes during class, but always put them in your own words. This makes them much easier to study when the time comes. Before you begin to study, create an outline so you can balance your time between the subjects and make sure you review all the material.
   Third, try to be on time. This was also a bit of a problem for me during school, and trust me, it does not turn out very well in the end. Teachers tend to prefer the students that are always on time which will end in you receiving better marks.
   Finally, stay focused. In class, when your teachers talking, be respectful and listen. Avoid texting in class or chatting and giggling with your friends while your teacher is trying to teach a lesson. If your friends always want to talk during class, maybe you should consider changing seats. Don't let your friends lead you off the path of success. Remember, if you're disrespectful during class, talking, texting, or goofing off, your mark will likely go down.
  Implement these tips into your life as a student, and your grades will reflect the effort you put into them.
                                                                      Until next time, Montana.

Ps. Check out for tips and tricks to better your studying!

Saturday 13 June 2015

Develop The Right Relationships

    High school may seem like a scary thing from the outside. Spending four years with a bunch of teens your age and older, everyone dressing differently, talking about different things, people with piercings and tattoos. It can all be very overwhelming in the beginning, but that's what I'm here for. To give you tips on how to survive your 4 years of torture at the big HS.
   First step, developing the right relationships. This is key in high school. You need to connect with a diverse group of people. People that contribute to your growth as a person. Try talking to the star athlete, a musician, and the class president. Try to avoid troublemakers, they may seem fun in the beginning, but they will on damage your school performance. Also keep away from people that only want to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself. They may hangout with you a lot, but they are not your friends. The more active you are in new or existing clubs and activities, the more likely it is for you to meet new people. Try joining a sports team, or maybe join the group of people that make the yearbook. There are so many options, so don`t stress if you don`t find one immediately, it may take some time to find your niche.
   Try to develop healthy relationships with others of the opposite sex. No, I don`t mean start dating someone, just friends. You can learn a lot from being friends with members of the opposite sex. Throughout high school, it may seem like people spend lots of their time obsessing over sex and dating, but don`t fall into that if you`re not comfortable just because the people around you are. You do you. No matter what, there will always be someone that will respect your choices and think you`re super cool for not following what everyone else is doing.
   So that's it for this post. Check in tomorrow for step two!
                                                                                                     Montana (:

Also be sure to check out for more tips on making friends and being a good friend.