Saturday 13 June 2015

Develop The Right Relationships

    High school may seem like a scary thing from the outside. Spending four years with a bunch of teens your age and older, everyone dressing differently, talking about different things, people with piercings and tattoos. It can all be very overwhelming in the beginning, but that's what I'm here for. To give you tips on how to survive your 4 years of torture at the big HS.
   First step, developing the right relationships. This is key in high school. You need to connect with a diverse group of people. People that contribute to your growth as a person. Try talking to the star athlete, a musician, and the class president. Try to avoid troublemakers, they may seem fun in the beginning, but they will on damage your school performance. Also keep away from people that only want to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself. They may hangout with you a lot, but they are not your friends. The more active you are in new or existing clubs and activities, the more likely it is for you to meet new people. Try joining a sports team, or maybe join the group of people that make the yearbook. There are so many options, so don`t stress if you don`t find one immediately, it may take some time to find your niche.
   Try to develop healthy relationships with others of the opposite sex. No, I don`t mean start dating someone, just friends. You can learn a lot from being friends with members of the opposite sex. Throughout high school, it may seem like people spend lots of their time obsessing over sex and dating, but don`t fall into that if you`re not comfortable just because the people around you are. You do you. No matter what, there will always be someone that will respect your choices and think you`re super cool for not following what everyone else is doing.
   So that's it for this post. Check in tomorrow for step two!
                                                                                                     Montana (:

Also be sure to check out for more tips on making friends and being a good friend.

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